发布日期:2024-07-26 09:10 浏览次数:



1. 新增证明商标申请细则


RULE 20Collective Marks and Certification Marks. - Where an IR designating the Philippines is a collective mark or a certification mark, a copy of the agreement governing the use of such collective mark or the copy of the standards set by the certifier governing the use of the certification mark, as the case may be, shall be submitted by the holder of the IR to the IPOPHL within two months from the date of international registration with the International Bureau.

2. 新增Replacement细则 (关于马德里指定菲律宾已核准商标替换本国注册商标)


Where the IPOPHL has taken note of an IR in accordance with paragraph (1 )(a) and has notified the International Bureau in accordance with paragraph (2) above, the IPOPHL shall maintain in its register the replaced national registration as long as the IR remains validly registered.RULE 21


In case of partial replacements, the IPOPHL shall only maintain the national registration with respect to the goods and/or services which are covered by the IR, as long as the la er remains validly registered.

3. 新增使用宣誓DAU(Declaration of Use)细则


In case of subsequent designations where the period to file the DAU as prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2 will overlap with the submission period thereof, one Declaration of Actual Use may be submitted within the overlapping period specifically stating that the compliance is for the overlapping declarations. The submission shall be subject to the DAU fees which shall correspond to the two overlapping DAUs.


After the renewal of the IR with the International Bureau, the period to file the 5th Anniversary DAU, as required in paragraph 2, and the Renewal DAU as required in paragraph 3 will now be enforced.RULE 24


Where the IPOPHL has taken note of an IR in accordance with paragraph Rule 21 (1)(a) and has notified the International Bureau in accordance with Rule 22 (2), the holder of the IR shall file a DAU in accordance with the manner described in Rule 23. The replaced national registration shall be maintained in the IPOPHL's register without need of filing a separate DAU for the national registration.

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